Devotions for New Faith
Whether you're new to your walk with Christ or seeking renewal, these devotionals are here to guide you. They help build discipline while reminding you of the Lord's core truths.
3 products
3 products
Whether you're new to your walk with Christ or seeking renewal, these devotionals are here to guide you. They help build discipline while reminding you of the Lord's core truths.
3 products
Pray Like This by Katie Noble
An 8-Week Bible study mining the riches of the Lord’s Prayer line by line
Download the free Week One Preview or learn more about the study
The Lord’s Prayer is a rich, beautiful example of how we are to pray as Christians. Jesus began this teaching by saying, “Pray then like this...,” so we would do well to heed his words. We know it’s important to pray, but it can sometimes be difficult knowing what or how to pray.
Join author Katie Noble as she mines the riches of the Lord’s Prayer one line at a time, drawing us nearer to the foot of the cross and teaching us a biblical language of prayer as we look to Jesus as our example. Push past any assumptions you may have about this powerful passage of Scripture and ask God to open your eyes to new and beautiful riches in his Word. Let it shape the way you talk to God as you learn to pray the Scriptures.
Pray Like This: Christ’s Guide to Praying the Scriptures is our best selling 8-week study on the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6 and is perfect for an individual or group Bible study. Each week features Scripture reading, questions for personal reflection, and an application sheet with a guided “ACTS” prayer model. This brown leather-like second edition features a fresh redesign with the same beloved content.
Love this style of devotional? Find Katie Noble’s Bible study on John, God Our Home, here in our shop.
By Katie Noble
Product Details
Format: Hardcover, Leather-Like
Page Count: 167
Size: 6.5 in x 7.5 in x 1 in
ISBN: 9781954053212
Published: First Edition: August 27, 2020. Second Edition: April 9, 2024.
Rooted to Rise by Haley Crabtree
A 10-Week Study for High School Girls
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Living the Christian life is not for the faint of heart. We are called to be in the world but not of it; we are to die to ourselves when the world tells us to pursue our own happiness at all costs. Thankfully, we have not been left alone—God has given us the Holy Spirit to empower us to live as daughters of God in this world.
Join Haley Crabtree in Rooted to Rise, a 10-week journey designed to help guide high school girls on how to live boldly as they grow in their faith. From topics like identity and social media to gossip and waiting on the Lord, girls will learn they are “all in this together.” More than that, they will see that God is with them in this roller coaster of a season, and he desires each and every high school girl to draw near to him. We pray that Rooted to Rise will be a catalyst to the act of meeting with Jesus daily.
Each week covers a topic most high school girls will journey through in their high school season. Then, each day, girls will have the opportunity to open their Bibles to read God’s Word, take time to journal using a Scripture-based prompt, and spend time in intentional prayer with the Lord.
FAQ: Can this be used by middle school aged girls too?
A: While this study was written with 15-19 year olds in mind, the themes are applicable to younger teens as well.
Product Details
Format: Hardcover, cloth over board
Page Count: 144
Size: 6.25 in x 7.25 in x .63 in
ISBN: 978-1-9540-5305-2
Published: February 2022
Start From Here by Ness Cannon
Want to see if this is a good fit? Preview Start From Here Week One
Walk with author Ness Cannon as she leads us through six weeks of study and asks us to “start from here.” Jesus reveals God’s character, his deep inner workings, and his motivations that drive him forward to love his children. Jesus weaves stories for us to grasp the things about God that only he knows so that we can see God in a new way. Through these stories, we discover what holds us back from living a life filled to the very brim with the goodness of God.
It doesn’t matter whether you have known Jesus for a minute or thirty years, there is more to find. Let’s uncover the God who Jesus knows so well and examine the thought patterns that live within us that stand in the way of knowing him the way Jesus does. Relying on the words and actions of Jesus, we will encounter God because the character of Jesus awakens us to who God is and who God says we are. Wherever you are, and wherever you feel like God is, let’s start from here. Let’s start with the beauty of Jesus’ character and find God again.
By Ness Cannon
Product Details
Format: Hardcover, cloth over board
Page Count: 130
Size: 6.25 in x 7.25 in x .63 in
ISBN: 978-1-954053-24-3
Published: July 5, 2023