an invitation to create
A Dwelling Place
Welcome to your invitation to engage with Scripture in a new and beautiful way through intentional creativity. Join us for this 4-week series A Dwelling Place: A journey to create through Psalm 84. Invite a friend, and prepare to create. Sign up for the free email series above to begin today.

a creative journey through Psalm 84 over email and Instagram
Each week we will introduce a new section of Psalm 84 with three prompts to fuel your creativity, share a featured artist’s response to the passage, and send a collection of community responses to spark your inspiration.

for creatives and non-creatives alike
This journey was intentionally created to engage all levels of creativity and intended to stretch your inspiration, imagination, perception, and medium.

the journey begins today
Join the journey by signing up for the email series. We encourage you to work at your own pace and keep the main goal in mind: to creatively connect with God through his Word.

How It Works Each Week
Day 1: Receive the prompts | You can begin creating now! Take some time to meditate on the week’s passage and create at your own pace.
Day 3: Artist Highlight | Stir your inspiration by hearing from an artist on her response to the passage and consider the Scripture in a new light.
Day 5: Community Feature | If you’ve finished your response and posted or shared it with us, you have a chance of being featured! Use these features as a way of meditating on the passage even further.
Artist Sketchbook and Notebooks
Need tools to begin creating? While we encourage a range of both traditional and non-traditional mediums through our prompts and artist features, you are welcome to stock up on our paintable kraft-cover notebooks—Hosanna Blanks—or our leather-bound sketchbook as tools for your journey.
Follow along on Instagram @HosannaRevival and share how you’re engaging with Scripture through creativity with the hashtag #CreateThroughScripture. We can’t wait to see what you create!
Featured Artists
Each week, we invite a talented artist to respond to the focal passage from their area of expertise. Meet them below!
Caroline Lunne
Caroline is a writer sharing what she likes about life online. She lives in Charleston, SC, is building a marketing agency, and calls creativity her love language.
Hannah Beimborn
Hannah is an artist who specializes in landscape paintings, using gouache and watercolor as her primary mediums.
Alicia Burrows
Alicia is a wedding photographer and fiber artist turned stay-at-home mom who is discovering that motherhood is a moment-by-moment opportunity to exercise creativity and imagination in a practical and fulfilling way through cooking, baking, decorating, homeschooling, and everything in between.
Alisha Cooke: Ma Ma Osa
Alisha is the owner and designer of Ma Ma Osa, a small business that offers digital products like sewing education and sewing patterns as well as physical products from time to time.
Patsy Shaw
Patsy is a painter and printmaker, making art that is rooted in Biblical truth so Christians can enjoy beautiful artwork that leads to more joy in God.
Pleasant Places
a journey to create through Psalm 16
Loving this series? Journey through Psalm 16 with us through the 4-week series Pleasant Places! Follow the same pattern of responding to God’s Word with different prompts and fresh Scripture.