eternity in our hearts
Eternity in Our Hearts leads readers to discover the literary masterpiece, timeless truths, upside-down kingdom wisdom, and eternal perspective of Ecclesiastes.
You and I were made for more than the temporary things of this earth—and our souls know it. We search for “the good life” like it’s right around the bend in deep friendships, a beautiful home, meaningful moments, our next big adventure, or a different life stage. But those things simply cannot satisfy our heart-felt desire for true, lasting meaning. We know we were meant for something more. This is because eternity was planted deep in our hearts by our Eternal Creator.
In the middle of our Bibles is an often overlooked and misunderstood book called Ecclesiastes that asks questions like “How can I live a meaningful life?” and “Why does life feel pointless sometimes?” The wisdom of Ecclesiastes teaches us that true meaning and permanence come from God and that living through the lens of eternity brings meaning and richness to all of life. This 7-week study leads the reader through the entire book of Ecclesiastes. Eternity in Our Hearts is for anyone who wants to understand challenging parts of Scripture, live life richly, and encounter the heart of our Heavenly Father.
This Devotional is for you if...
-You want to live a rich, meaningful life.
- You want to understand the confusing or challenging parts of the Bible.
- You want to dwell with God in a way you never have before.
Eternity In Our Hearts
Topic: Purpose and the meaning of life
Length of Study: 7-week study
Focal Scripture: The book of Ecclesiastes
"The more we see the impermanence of this life and the futility of activities under the sun, the more we will long for eternity. As Ecclesiastes unfolds, the Preacher laments the futility of living for this life, and as we realize that we were made to live for so much more, we will desire things eternal. We will desire God." (34)
—Alicia Hamilton, author
The Devotional Structure
Structure: 7 week study
Elements: As Alicia guides us through the book of Ecclesiastes, there will be daily reflections on the passage that answer questions we may have, connect the passage to other parts of God's Word, and apply the passage to our daily lives.
From The Introduction
"Part of the beauty of Ecclesiastes is that it asks all the questions we want to but might be too scared to ask. It expresses all the frustrations we want to but perhaps don’t feel like we should. Ecclesiastes is important because it lets us know that God can handle our big questions, our depression, our frustration, and our hopelessness."
—Alicia Hamilton, author

Leader Guide
Are you a Bible Study leader looking for extra content to guide your group? Download the FREE Eternity In Our Hearts Leader Guide here.
This guide provides discussion questions from the text, group activities, and weekly topics to help you lead participants through this study.
Ecclesiastes Scripture Notebook
Looking for a study companion? Shop the matching Ecclesiastes Scripture Notebook to journal alongside as you study! Available now for $6.90.
Alicia Hamilton
Alicia Hamilton and her husband, Jack, are planted in beautiful New Hampshire where she spends her days ministering to college, high school, and middle school students. She gets excited about nature, good literature, and people. She is passionate about biblical literacy and helping people "taste and see that the LORD is good" (Psalm 34:8 NIV).
Alicia's Story
I studied Ecclesiastes the summer before my health fell apart, and it was God’s protection and preparation. That fall when my illness worsened to a breaking point, I remembered the words of Ecclesiastes and took courage, for health is vapor—only the Lord is steady. Then in the spring, when I had to let go of so many things I loved in order to rest, I remembered the Preacher’s words that pleasures and accomplishments are “a striving after wind” (Ecclesiastes 2:11 ESV). God prepared my heart for these big changes by bringing me through a book that one might find confusing or depressing but actually holds great hope.
Ecclesiastes has been a love letter and lifeline from the Lord. It reminds me that God mourns with me. That his plan for my life can’t be “messed up” by the brokenness of the world. That success and productivity as the world sees them can’t touch a life well lived in the kingdom of God. And that when it all boils down, enjoying God is the most meaningful thing I will ever do, because God is the best thing. He is my home, my hope, and my healing. Rich life begins, ends, and finds its meaning in him. What better place to be?