God has called each of us to be his hands and feet, bringing his love, truth, and hope to the world around us. One of the most powerful and fulfilling things we can do is invite someone into a relationship with Jesus—introducing them to the life-changing grace, peace, and purpose found in him.
But sharing the Gospel isn’t always easy. Maybe you’re unsure where to start, or perhaps fear and hesitation hold you back. That’s why we created the Spread the Word Toolkit—a practical guide designed to equip and encourage you to share your faith with confidence and love. In it we will explore common hangups when it comes to sharing your faith and offer practical tips to take the first step.
Jesus commissioned us to go and make disciples (Matthew 28:19), and that mission starts with a simple step: sharing his love with the people around us. Whether you’re starting fresh or looking to grow in boldness, may this toolkit guide and inspire you to spread the Word.
Table of Contents
What is the Word?
Why spread the Word?
How do I spread the Word?
What if I’m hesitant to spread the Word?
How do I follow up after I spread the Word?
We believe that the Bible, consisting of 66 books, is the only holy, inspired, trustworthy and true Word of God. So to spread the Word is more than just passing along a good tip. The Word of God tells the complete story of who God is and what he has done. It details the narrative of creation, sin in our broken world, God’s plan for redemption, the story of rescue, and the mission we’ve been entrusted with while we wait for Christ. When you share the Word of God with someone, you are spreading the good news of the gospel and creating space for revival in their lives.
Learn more in depth about each section of the Bible and where to get started by exploring our Bible Toolkit.
Over 2,000 years ago Jesus walked this earth and shared the message of the gospel. His followers took that story and proclaimed it from the rooftops—spreading the Word as far as they could. They shared the message of God’s love and the call to repent as if their brother’s and sister’s lives depended on it… because well… they did.
First-century Christians saw thousands being killed for proclaiming their faith and spreading the Word—but it didn’t stop them. The message of the gospel was too important to keep to themselves.
Those followers told someone about Jesus, who told someone, who told someone, until 2000+ years later, someone told you.
Don’t let the message of the gospel stop with you. God’s call is consistent and clear: go and make disciples of all nations.
Jesus says in Matthew 28:19, “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” What does it mean to “make disciples”? We observe and learn from Jesus that he had 12 disciples who followed him closely and learned from his actions and teachings. These men watched how Jesus spoke, prayed, and responded to conflict. They invited Jesus into their lives, homes, and families. In the same way, one of the most beautiful relationships you can step into is a discipleship relationship with someone you care about. Discipleship is an opportunity to walk alongside someone and invite them into every area of your life as you actively pursue the Lord. When we invest in someone through a close discipleship relationship, we are modeling in word and action how to love and follow Jesus.

Although God doesn’t need our help, he chooses to let us into his beautiful mission of love and rescue: his quest to save and redeem his beloved children. Each one of us has been intentionally designed with a unique personality and unique strengths. These strengths play an important role in exemplifying the characteristics of Jesus, and equip us to connect with the people God has placed in our lives. We were created as image-bearers of the Lord, so when we step fully into our identities as God’s children and pursue him, we become a walking reflection of different facets of God’s character. We have the incredible opportunity to connect and ultimately share the love of God with the people we come in contact with. This is the concept of evangelism–that we would use how God has created us and the story he’s written for our lives to point others to Jesus.
The Word of God says that the most important commandment is to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind, and to to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:37). God placed you in your city, your family, your friend group, and your church for a very specific reason. The purpose for your life is to be loved by God and to tell others about the unending, abounding, and fulfilling love of God. When we walk in that purpose, we carry the gospel to others like it was first carried to us, and we experience the joy of living out God’s mission for our lives
Having the heart and intention to share your faith with others is a beautiful first step to spreading the Word. It’s often the next step that is difficult to pursue and confusing to approach. You may have someone that you love or that God has put on your heart, but you’re not quite sure how to open up that conversation with them. Here are a few starting points to begin talking about your faith!
Instead of simply waiting for these opportunities come up, we can ask God for them. God delights in using you to share the gospel. When we ask God for opportunities to share our faith with the people in our path, he is often quick to make those moments clear.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to prepare the hearer’s heart. Your conversation might be the first of many or the final conversation that helps the gospel click. Trust that the Holy Spirit is working in their hearts and that he will use your conversation for his great purpose.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the words. The Holy Spirit lives in you and will go before you as you share the gospel. Without having all the answers or knowing all the right things to say, we can trust God to help us share exactly what is needed for this conversation.
Your testimony is one of the most powerful ways to share God’s Word. When you share how God has moved in your life, you get to explain the very real impact that a relationship with Jesus can have. You can do this in a casual way, by sharing simply how a relationship with God has healed certain parts of your heart or given you hope—or whatever feels right for you! If the person you are sharing with is curious to hear more, you can explain in greater detail how your story with God played out!
- Tip: Don’t make this out to be too complicated. Think about how someone might share how a mentor or teacher impacted them. You can casually share what God has done without feeling like you have to make it too formal. Speak with confidence about how you’ve seen God move in your life; those who hear this story will be blessed.
When we begin a relationship with Jesus, many aspects of our lives start to look different from those who are living “for the world” (1 John 2:15-17). Our time—once spent seeking personal satisfaction and affirmation from others—shifts toward honoring him. This change can sometimes be confusing to those who don’t share the same faith. How you spend your time can serve as a natural way to share your faith. Others may become curious and ask why you do—or don’t do—certain things, opening the door for meaningful conversations about your beliefs and the transformation Jesus brings.
- Examples: What are you doing this weekend? I’ll go to church Sunday. Did you have a good start to your day? Yes, I always start my day in prayer or reading the Bible if I’m not too rushed. It helps me start the day with a clear mind. Where did you get that shirt? A girl in my small group gave it to me.
- Tip: As demonstrated in the examples above, be looking for opportunities to mention your faith. When people hear you talking about the natural ways your faith is a part of your life, it becomes a conversation starter for them, and makes approaching you about faith even easier.
One of the most essential aspects of a healthy relationship is the ability to listen to each other. God displays this in his promise to always listen to us (Jeremiah 29:12). We are instructed in 1 Peter 5:7 to cast all our worries on him because he cares for us. In the same way, we should strive to be good listeners to the people around us, seeking to understand what they’re saying while also keeping our ears open to the Holy Spirit as he prompts us to respond. Below are some examples of beliefs a friend might express. If these topics arise in conversation, it might be an indicator that the Holy Spirit is leading you to share more of your faith.
- “I just can’t believe in a God that allows or causes suffering.”
- “I am so lonely. I feel so forgotten by God.”
- “I feel purposeless, like I have no idea why it all matters”.
- “I went to a youth group when I was younger. They told me ___ about God and that really bothered me.”
- “I believe everything happens for a reason. I’m spiritual. The universe is working everything out.”
- “God is your thing, I’ve got other things.”
- “I’m just going to live it up now, and when I have a family I’ll come to church.”
Talking about your faith can feel overwhelming. The enemy loves to fill us with doubts—reasons why sharing our faith isn’t worth it or how sharing might ruin a friendship.
You might think to yourself...
- “I don’t want to further damage their view of God.”
- “I don’t even actually know this person. Someone closer to them will hopefully step in.”
- “I don’t want to be preachy.”
- “I don’t think I know enough to answer their hard questions.”
The Lord wants to use each of us to communicate his true character and heart. God has a million tools that he can use to bring someone to himself… but one of them is you. He delights in using you to share the truth of his Word. So let him use you. Almost always these opportunities to share your faith will catch you off guard and come up when you weren’t expecting it. Let’s equip ourselves to be ready to fight against the hesitations and step into these life-saving conversations.
One of the best things you can do off-the-bat is to admit that you do not know all the answers. That will give you the freedom to end the conversation and point your friend to other tools when you fall short.
- Example: “I don’t have formal training in any of this… but what I’ve learned about God in my life about [this topic] is ___.”
Listen carefully to their specific situation and story, then suggest a small next step. “You should come to church with me!” Or “you should read the Bible!” might be the right suggestion in certain moments, but sometimes those steps feel too big or daunting for whomever you’re talking to. Every situation is different. Consider what this person might be ready for, and offer some action point or baby step to take.
- “Can I send you a link to a sermon or article that really helped me wrestle with that topic?”
- “I have some journaling questions that have helped me think through that topic that I can send you.”
- “I’d love to talk about this with you again if these thoughts keep coming up.”
When the time is right, invite your friend to read the Bible or a devotional with you! This may feel like a big step, but one of the most beautiful things about Scripture is that it is living and active—God is always speaking through it! Having a friend who is willing to walk through a chapter of the Bible or a devotional with them can be a significant first step in their journey toward a relationship with God. Spread the Word Collective is a tool we created to help you both get a Bible or devotional at a discount and begin growing in your faith together. Check out Spread the Word, and be bold in taking a step to explore Scripture with your friend. God wants to use you! He will equip you, even when it feels scary or you don’t know what to say.
Tip: You will be so surprised how often people say YES to the invitation to read scripture with you. Because we were made to love God and be loved by him, the people that are in your life but aren’t walking in that purpose feel the void. We have found that people are more willing than you’d think to read from the Bible or talk about faith because they are so desperate for something more. You have all of heaven on your side cheering you on- be brave and invite them. God will do the rest.
Following up with someone after a conversation about God is an intentional way to show how much you—and God—care for them. When the moment feels right, be ready to follow the Holy Spirit into a conversation about God with them, and see if they’re open to talking more.
- “Last month when we talked about faith you mentioned ___. I wondered if you could share more about why you think that?”
- “I know I invited you to church during the Christmas season last year and it was a busy day—I wanted you to know I’m going to church the next 3 Sundays and wanted to know if you had any interest in joining me!”
- “When you were sharing with me how your life has felt purposeless, it made me think of this daily devotional. I bought you a copy! I would love to go through it with you if you’re interested.”
Following up is valuable, but the best thing you can do is simply love them well. You are a living example of what a life with Jesus looks like to them, so strive to love them in a way that reflects Jesus. Be intentional about checking in on them, showing them that you care for them whether they choose to follow Jesus or remain uninterested.
A prayer for sharing your faith
Dear God,
I have witnessed firsthand your sovereign love and grace transform my life. As I reflect on the countless ways that you have rescued and redeemed me, I am struck with gratitude. What a gift to walk through this life with the one who created me! Heavenly Father, this reflection reminds me of those in my life whom I long to know you personally. Would you grant me boldness in a new way? Give me discernment through your Holy Spirit to know when to speak, when to listen, when to lean in, and when to simply show up. Stir a new desire in me to reach out to the friends in my life that you’ve put on my heart. As I remember them, give me your eyes to see them how you do: beloved and worth pursuing. Create in me a new heart, ready and willing to spread your Word.
In Jesus’s Name,