Dear intentional gifter,
This Christmas, we invite you to share the beauty of truth with those around you through gifting intentionally. Whether it’s through choosing each tool with the recipient in mind or wrapping the gift in a beautiful new way, each gift you give is an opportunity to deeply encourage your friend or family member. Welcome to our best tips to gift intentionally...
Add a handmade touch
See gift-giving as an opportunity for creativity. Whether it’s in a tiny detail of how you wrap it or the gift itself, dream up how to add a handmade element to your gift.
Wrap it with intention
Choose a fresh new way to wrap your gifts that infuses the gift with beauty and personality. Slip in an extra little element like a photo or sticker to bring a smile to their face.
Write a Gift Note
Writing an intentional note is a simple way to make someone feel seen and cared for. Shipping straight to your recipient’s house? Leave a little gift note at checkout!
How to Gift a Loaded Bible
a gifted Bible given with thought, prayer, and a few tips taped within
Opening the Bible can be overwhelming. If you are gifting a Bible to a friend or family member who isn’t familiar with its stories or how to read it, a loaded Bible can be the perfect way to bridge that gap and equip them to feel more comfortable and encouraged to read their new Bible—God’s Word will accomplish the rest!
Mark the Table of Contents
Mark the table of contents with washi tape or a bookmark. It will be helpful for a new reader to quickly be able to find that important page.
Insert a reading plan
Find a short reading plan that you like and slip it in the Bible. It’s good to have a guide and somewhere to start! If you need suggestions, start here.
Add reference verses
Take note of reference verses for specific topics—like stress, anxiety, praise, etc.—and mark them in the back of the Bible.
Mark your favorite passages
Mark a few verses—on separate paper—in the Bible margins. The key tip is to do it on sticky notes or a different piece of paper and tape it in so that you can leave all of the actual journaling to the future owner. This gives them the freedom to underline and discover Scripture for themselves!
Write a sweet note
Write a thoughtful note on the inside cover! Encouragement in the faith from a friend goes such a long way.
Pray over the Bible
Pray that God’s Word would accomplish its purpose in their heart. Truly God delights to answer this prayer!
Gift the Loaded Bible
Last of all, gift the finished loaded Bible! We hope this encourages you to set aside some extra time to intentionally equip the people in your life to draw near to Scripture. We’re cheering you on as you gift!
Choose a Beautiful Bible
Unsure of where to start? Our Mystery Bible could be a great fit for you!
Gift-Wrapping Inspiration
from tucking in little notes and photos into the ribbon to choosing a new pattern or fabric for gift wrap, there are a million creative ways to gift intentionally
Looking for our most giftable tools?
Start here...
The 5-Year Prayer Journal
With a keepsake box and gorgeous cover designs, our 5-Year Prayer journal makes the perfect heirloom gift for the one looking to deepen their life of prayer.
Intentional Devotionals
With over a dozen topics and book studies to choose from, our devotional library provides unique Bible studies for each season.
Beautiful Notebooks
These tools are easy to slip alongside a bigger gift, or you can grab a bunch to give to friends! For your creative friends, consider gifting Hosanna Blanks.