Sojourn Devotional

Day 14: Watching and Waiting
Read first: Psalm 130 Committing to a Bible study is a great challenge for many. If you have made it to day 14 of our study, give yourself a pat on the back. Our hope is that you feel the...
Day 13: Arms Stretched Wide
Read first: Matthew 5:15-16 // Matthew 19:16-30 // 2 Corinthians 3:18 Think of a time when you made a big change in your lifestyle. Maybe it was a forced change, or maybe on your own volition. When Nick I got...
Day 12: To Die is Gain
Read first: Philippians 1:21,23 There’s an old preacher in my dad’s church who often says, “Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to go now.” And yes, the phrase existed before Kenny Chesney made it a song. :)...
Day 11: Where We're Headed
Read first: Revelation 21 // Ecclesiastes 3:11 // John 14:2-4 With the Rocky Mountains forming a towering wall in the distance, we were about 20 miles outside of Yosemite National Park. My heart began to flutter as we approached these...
Day 10: No Longer Wandering
Read first: Luke 15:4-7 In the gospel of Luke, Jesus paints a beautiful picture of redemption by telling a story about a shepherd who had 100 sheep. One of the sheep wandered away into the dangers of the wild wilderness....
Day 9: Rest and Roots
Read first: Matthew 11 // Psalm 62 Last year around this time, I had just started working full time at Hosanna Revival, I was leading Young Life, was essentially a creative director and worship team member at my church and...
Day 8: Home
Read first: Mark 10:17-31 // John 15:4-11 In college, for 3 years I lived in an 1800’s house with 8 of my best friends. In those three years, that three-story, six bedroom, olive green house became home. Although it certainly...
Day 7: Homecoming
Read first: Luke 15:11-32 // Romans 8:38-39 // Psalm 139:9-10 Whether you’re adventurous or a homebody, your very infrastructure craves depth, assurance and an anchor. When we think of our physical homestead, its defining properties include recurrence, familiarity, specific sensory...
Day 6: Christ Before Me
Read first: Deuteronomyy 31:8 I grew up on a 10-acre farm in Michigan. There was a large forest behind our house, and to get to it, you had to cross the pasture, climb under the electric fence, and trek through...
Day 5: Don't Journey Alone
Read first: Psalm 25:16-21 // Psalm 133 // Ecclesiastes 4:7-12 Growing up, I was a very skittish child. Sensitive to scare tactics, I steered clear of any haunted house, horror film or really anything that could induce fear and panic....
Day 4: Help Us Keep Sowing
Read first: Psalm 126 It is safe to say that where I am from is an extremely rural or what we called, a “farm” town. My high school was wedged in the middle of a cornfield where it was not...
Day 3: A Far Country
Read first: Hebrews 13:14 Growing up in Michigan means that you vacation “Up North.” And I loved it. Every year, we packed 5 kids, two parents, and 247 suitcases into our minivan and headed north. There was something so exciting...
Day 2: Holy Restlessness
Read first: Matthew 8:20 // Psalm 84:11 In Matthew chapter 8, a scribe approaches Jesus to announce his intention to be His disciple. Scribes were esteemed teachers of the Jewish law, and were often grouped with the Pharisees when Jesus...
Day 1: A Study for the Sojourner
Read first: Psalm 102:25-28 // Genesis 12:1-9 A sojourn is simply a temporary stay—making a sojourner a person who stays in a place for a short while. This word “sojourn” is used many times in the Bible—always describing brave journeys...