NLT Notetaking Bible : Santa Elena Theme
NLT Notetaking Bible : Santa Elena Theme
NLT Notetaking Bible : Santa Elena Theme
NLT Notetaking Bible : Santa Elena Theme
NLT Notetaking Bible : Santa Elena Theme
NLT Notetaking Bible : Santa Elena Theme
NLT Notetaking Bible : Santa Elena Theme

NLT Notetaking Bible : Santa Elena Theme

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Colombia’s “village of flowers,” Santa Elena—where wildflowers grow high on the mountain tops—was the inspiration for this simply beautiful leather-like Bible. Historically, farmers in Santa Elena journeyed down from the mountains with their backs loaded with flowers ready to sell in the nearby town in exchange for provisions. The untamed beauty of these wildflowers crouched among the blades of grass in Santa Elena inspired the bold design and Scripture on this Bible: “The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the Word of our God stands forever” (Isaiah 40:8). In contrast to the withering and wilting that will inevitably happen to even the most beautiful of flowers, the Word of God remains alive and fresh and will stand regardless of time or tragedy.

Product Details
- Translation: New Living Translation
- Format: Leather-Like softcover with custom Hosanna Revival typeset
- Cream-colored Bible paper
- Satin ribbon marker
- Smyth-sewn binding
- Jesus' words in black
- Font size: 8pt
- Page count: 1,376
- Dimensions: 8.5” x 6.5” x 1.75”
- Weight: 41oz

Customer Reviews

Based on 33 reviews
Life Changing

I recently found Jesus, and my life is so much better. I knew I wanted a new, beautiful bible that would help me understand the word and make it more fun and enjoyable to read. This bible feels good just to hold. It feels like home and it is SO beautiful! I can’t wait to order more things from Hosanna!

Bailey Mundy
Love it!!

I love Hosanna Revival everything!! Every piece is so beautiful and intentional! This bible has one of my favorite Bible verses! It encourages me in my faith as I know that God’s Word is the thing that will last!

Amber Gallagher
Absolutely beautiful!

This is my first bible I’ve ever purchased and I’m so glad I came across Hosanna Revival because it did not disappoint. The outside has a durable leather covering with stunning intricate detailing and I absolutely love that it has space on each page where you can write any notes from scripture. I highly recommend this to anyone!!

God answered my prayer

I have always wanted a beautiful Bible where I could take notes, journal, and one that felt personal to me. For 3 years I have been praying about it, as there aren’t many Bible shops where I live. When I came across Hosanna Revival this year, I fell in love with this Santa Elena theme Bible. I just recieved mine today, and it has all that I wish for. It comes exactly as how its shown on the page, and they shipped it fast! I cannot wait to use my Bible and get deeper into my spiritual journey. I Praise God for this, and also from the bottom of my heart, thank you Hosanna Revival! <3
100% I’d recommend.

I love this bible <3

I absolutely love this bible. Shipping was also super fast. 100% reccomend!


I loved it so much!! It’s an amazing bible! Everything about it is wonderful & I love the cover & it was everything I hoped for. I highly recommend!!

JoAnne Ard
Love this and am so excited to use it!

I purchased this bible based off of my daughters recommendation and her buying me a gift from her. It’s absolutely beautiful and durable. I can’t wait to spend time in it!

Paula Vasile

It is the perfect Bible. I love it, it makes me want to take it everywhere.
The Bible is perfectly manufactured and the delivery was quick.

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