God of Forever
God of Forever is an 8-week devotional where author Haylee Williams provides an introductory study of the God of Scripture through an emphasis on studying the Word and seeing the magnificence of God from Genesis to Revelation.
God of Forever, a devotional by Haylee Williams, is an eight-week study that draws out the truth of God’s character through the pages of God’s Word. With a primary focus on Scripture, God of Forever is an excellent introduction to the Trinity and to the unchanging constancy of God. Looking closely at the united will and essence of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, this devotional seeks to dispel the misunderstandings surrounding the love and omnipotence of our Lord. Our prayer for this devotional is that it helps you to grow in knowledge, worship, and desire for God and his Word.
This Devotional is for you if...
- You are to the faith.
- You desire more biblical study.
- You are needing the refreshing reminder of God’s goodness.
If these words resonate, this devotional is for you.
God of Forever
Topic: the character of God
Length of Study: 8 weeks
Focal Scripture: multiple passages
“The only person who has the authority to speak about the character of the Lord is God himself. If we desire to know God, we must first consult his Word and allow it to govern our thoughts of him.”
—Author Haylee J. Williams
The Devotional Structure
Structure: 5 daily entries per week
Elements: Weekly introductions, daily reading & scripture, questions throughout
Each week includes a topic regarding the character and nature of God and focuses on getting in the Word and discovering the truths contained within. Insightful commentary on the passage of the day will help you to digest the deep meaning found from your study of the Word. Thought-provoking, guided questions help you extrapolate meaning and find application for what you are learning.

So Excited
I have been looking for study that discusses who God is in all his characteristics and this is one that has stuck out the most.
Absolutely Moving
I get a very powerful craving to dig deeper into my Bible even more!
New to the Word
It was so intentionally written to bring you closer to the heart of God. As someone new to the Word, I am beyond grateful for this tool.

From the Introduction
"The heart of God is an unfathomable concept. The Bible tells us that “God is love” (1 John 4:8), but culture has twisted this truth to mean something it does not. Consider also how culture claims that God’s character has changed from the Old Testament to the New Testament. Our families, backgrounds, and experiences all play a role in the way we view God. Even our denominational differences give us differing pictures of the heart and mind of God. With all these conflicting opinions and cultural influences, how can we know if we hold a correct view of the character of God? To do so, we must submit all our opinions and beliefs to the God of the Bible..."
New to the Bible?
Are you new to reading the Bible? If you're picking up this devotional yet feel unable to navigate God's Word, our Bible Toolkit is for you! Through this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of diving into the Word of God, from choosing a Bible to navigating the pages inside to what happens after you close the cover. Let's dive in!
Haylee J. Williams
Haylee is a wife, mother of two, and faithful church member. She is also pursuing an M. Div from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Haylee is most passionate about Bible literacy, discipleship, and helping others grow in their desire and love for God’s Word. God of Forever is Haylee’s first published devotional. You can find more of Haylee on Instagram @hayleejwilliams.

Haylee's Story
In seasons where life has been very hard—miscarriage, death, divorce, job changes, and even the mundane tumults of this life—the truths contained within this devotional have been the truths Haylee has clung to. When the questions of God’s goodness have arisen, she has found herself turning to the Word to find comfort, joy, and truth. To live the Christian life, we need secure anchors of God’s goodness that hold us near to him. We need more theology, not less.
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View allPhotos with Haylee J. Williams by Adrianna Barragán