The Story Circle is a 6 part devotional where author Joshua Lenon immerses readers into the beauty of the biblical story. From the first page to the last page, you will be led on a journey into the heart of our Father and the (almost) unbelievable story he has been telling.
The Story Circle, written by Joshua Lenon, will draw your mind and imagination into this beautiful story that has been unfolding since the very dawn of time. Joshua weaves together the story line of Scripture and the story line of your life in a way that will not leave you unchanged. As he likes to say, “You will find yourself in this story.” You will find who you are—your true identity—who you were originally created to be as a son or daughter of God. You will also, like some mystical tale of old, find yourself woven into this epic that unfolds. You will see that this story is your story. It is our story. And you and I have a part to play in it.
As you walk through each of the six parts of The Story Circle—from Beauty to Beauty—you will be given a chance to write out the story in your own words, remember key portions of Scripture, and reflect with questions designed to let you see that this Story is also your story. So, come—come discover who you are and who you were meant to be as you find that story that is yours as well.
This Devotional is for you if...
- You are new new or numb to Scripture.
- You desire to deeply know the Story your Father has been weaving since the dawn of time.
- You know the facts of the Bible, but want to understand the Story as a whole.
The Details
The Story Circle
Topic: the beauty of the biblical story.
Length of Study: 6 weeks
Focal Scripture: multiple passages
"You, dear reader, are the intimate work of an infinite God. If your mind does not know it, your soul knows it very well. It is that thing deep inside of you that is constantly reminding you that there is more and you were made for something more; that there is a deepness to you that has been woven into your very being."
—Joshua Lenon, author
Peek inside
The Devotional Structure
Structure: 6-part, weekly study
Elements: Each week is divided into varying sections, with reflection questions and call out scripture features
Each part—beauty, tragedy, struggle, resuce, mission, beauty restored—walk through the Biblical narrative, focusing on multiple, corresponding passages of Scripture. The Story Circle also contains periodic breaks for reflection, remembering, and writing.

The Story Circle
From The Introduction
“The story that is ours. The story of heaven and earth, torn apart in a great Fall. But also, the story of a God who loves us with a Never-Stopping, Never Giving Up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love;* who pursues us straight into the heart of that great divide held by Death itself and rescues us from that place to make us his own.
And so it is essential that we get this story into our bones. That we know it, live it, and breathe it in. That we tell it to the next generation. And ultimately, that we would find ourselves in it.”
*Cited from Sally Lloyd-Jones' Jesus Story Book Bible.
Study Tools
New to the Bible?
Are you new to reading the Bible? If you’re picking up this devotional yet feel unable to navigate God’s Word, our Bible Toolkit is for you! Through this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of diving into the Word of God, from choosing a Bible to navigating the pages inside to what happens after you close the cover. Let’s dive in!
Meet the author
Joshua Lenon
Joshua is a pastor and church planter from Cincinnati, OH where he leads Red Door Church to live out the mission of Jesus—to see his Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Josh’s joy is his wife Tiffany, and his daughters, Story and Emmy. Together they love the call of the mountains and welcome any and all outdoor adventures from biking to hiking to climbing.

Meet The Author
Josh’s Story
I was the classic churched kid who grew up with all of this stuff and could tell you all about Peter and Abraham, the Exodus and the virgin birth. I “knew” all the right answers to the questions in Sunday School and could pronounce all those crazy names like Melchizedek. The problem was I didn’t care about any of it, and I certainly didn’t know how any of it fit together. I knew the Bible like someone knows the index of a book. I could tell you all of the facts, but I couldn’t tell you how the story all fit together. I was like the Star Wars nerd who knew the name of every planet in the galaxy, the speed and weapons of every ship, and what the buttons did on Darth Vader’s suit. But I had never actually watched the movie, and had no clue what the story line actually was. Learning to read the Bible as one whole story transformed my entire life and gave me an understanding of the good news that Jesus has come to bring to a very broken world.