Discerning the Thoughts and Intentions of the Heart


Unfold: Discerning the Thoughts and Intentions of the Heart is for those who feel weighed down by their sin, long for God to search and purify their heart, or desire to be filled with joy again โ€” this was written for you.

Unfold: Discerning the Thoughts and Intentions of the Heart, by Liesl Lamprecht. In this 6-week study, you will embark on an introspective journey through the Scriptures to confront the sin in your life with joyful repentance for the purpose of keeping your heart pure, loving, and soft toward the Lord. Unfold is firmly rooted in the gospel of grace with a focus on inviting Godโ€™s sharp and discerning Word to search the thoughts and intentions of your heart (Hebrews 4:12) and directing all conviction to the cross of Christ. Inspired by the beautiful imagery in โ€œThe Hymn of Joyโ€, this tool is for anyone who desires to have their heart unfold like a flower before God, opening to the true Light of this world.ย 

Each week walks you through a different aspect of sanctification, whether that be repentance and regeneration, faith versus works, hidden sin and holiness, jealousy, pride, finances, gluttony, heartbreak and suffering, or the hope of eternity. Each dayโ€™s entry is designed to pull you into a rhythm of reading, reflecting, repenting, and rejoicing, which will allow you to unpack Scripture, ponder guided questions, write down your prayers, and engage in a time of thanksgiving and worship. Our prayer for you is that this book will restore your joy in your salvation (Psalm 51:12) and give you a renewed desire to store up the Word of God in your heart.


This Devotional is for you if...

- You want to (re)examine your heart in the light and truth of God's Word.
- You desire to grow, or need a refreshing reminder of God's Grace.
- You need renewal



Topic: Discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart through deep introspection, repentance, and rejoicing
Length of Study:
6 weeks
Focal Scripture:
multiple passages

โ€œTending, pruning, and uprooting are good and necessary parts of the Christian walk. Even when we feel saddened by our sin, we can know that God is working in us for good, beckoning us to return to him. The wonderful news is that the knowledge of our failures is eclipsed by the forgiveness found in our Savior. It deepens our dependance on grace and drives us closer to Christโ€”who is our joy.โ€

- Liesl Lamprecht, author

peek inside

The Devotional Structure

Structure: 6 week study

Elements: Each week includes and introduction, six daily entries with varying scripture, and daily sections for reflection, repentance, and rejoicing.


From The Introduction

โ€œIf weโ€™re completely honest with ourselves, we sometimes try to avoid the sharp sting and sobering conviction that follow in the wake of Godโ€™s penetrating Word. It slices straight through our innermost thoughts to reveal the true intentions within, wounding our pride and igniting a godly grief over our sin. But Godโ€™s Word is both the sword and the salve. It humbles and heals, renewing our hearts after his holiness.โ€

-Liesl Lamprecht, author


For "Unfold"
Study Tools

New to the Bible?

Are you new to reading the Bible? If youโ€™re picking up this devotional yet feel unable to navigate Godโ€™s Word, our Bible Toolkit is for you! Through this guide, weโ€™ll walk you through the process of diving into the Word of God, from choosing a Bible to navigating the pages inside to what happens after you close the cover. Letโ€™s dive in!

Meet The Author

Liesl Lamprecht

Liesl is a daughter, sister, and friend who lives in Cape Town, South Africa. After completing her BA (Hons) in Linguistics, she started working in the magazine publishing industry. As an aficionado of antiquity, youโ€™ll likely hear her geek out about the latest archaeological discoveries of the first century AD. When sheโ€™s not marveling at Godโ€™s grace and goodness, succumbing to her sweet tooth, or showing you her impressive collection of sea urchin shells, youโ€™ll find her enjoying the beautiful Cape with her loved ones. Unfold: Discerning the Thoughts and Intentions of the Heart is Lieslโ€™s first published devotional.

Meet the Author

Liesl's Story

Growing up in the church, I wholeheartedly believed that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and that salvation is a gift that cannot be earned. But when I continued reading the rest of the New Testamentโ€™s teachings on the renewed, holy life of a Christian, I felt crushed by how impossible it all seemed. Instead of basking in Godโ€™s endless grace and new mercies each morning, I allowed my heart to wallow in sin and condemnation, eventually straying from his ways. You see, the problem was that I thought I had to keep my salvation by my own efforts. My relationship with God was dependent on my performance. Thankfully, Jesus shone his light on my heart during my university years, reigniting my faith and fervor with a renewed realization of the meaning of grace.ย 

I wrote Unfold with the prayer that it would be a tool to help others channel the heavy feelings of conviction into a hopeful repentance as we rejoice at the foot of the cross. This devotional will show you that you donโ€™t have to strive to live a life that is pleasing to God to keep your place as his child. It is exactly because you are in Christ that you can seek God daily, confess your sins, and trust that he will continue to wash and renew your heart even if you keep messing up. God doesnโ€™t need you to be perfect. He just wants you and your heart.