This material is not theologically sound doctrine. I typically love these studies offered through Hosanna, and have purchased several, but this study is horrible.
For one, Eve was deceived, she did not rebel knowingly. The way Beauty Not Beheld frames the fall suggests that Eve’s primary sin was assuming authority over truth and beauty, but that’s not actually what Scripture says. The Bible explicitly tells us that Adam was not deceived (1 Timothy 2:14). That means Adam sinned with full knowledge, which is far more damning. Eve believed a lie; Adam knew the truth and still chose death, and worse, chose to murder his wife—this is why sin entered the world through Adam—NOT EVE (Romans 5:12). You should pull this book from the shelf. Spreading a false gospel is a deplorable sin.
Please check Bible Studies for Biblical accuracy before printing them. Sadly, I won’t be purchasing any in the future.
We are so grateful to hear from customers as they read, process, and experience our studies and devotionals. As our publishing team read through your review we wanted to respond with a few clarifying thoughts. Our Bible studies go through an extensive theological review and it's deeply important to us to not present anything that contradicts scripture or would misguide our community. From editing, beta groups, to a theological board—we take this seriously. This book has been carefully reviewed by our team & it is our firm belief that it does not present a false gospel. We believe that both Adam and Eve were responsible in their rebellion against God. We believe Eve was deceived, and the author affirms this in the book, but we do not hold the belief that Adam is guiltier than her. Both disobeyed what God commanded. To say that Eve did so unknowingly excuses her disobedience. The author’s argument firmly relies upon the truth that God has the ultimate authority to evaluate the world and what is good. Eve 'saw' the fruit as good. She abandoned what she believed to be true, and believed that her new evaluation—based on new information from another source—must be true instead, even though it was opposite of what God said. We hope that helps explain our point of view, it’s essential for our small business to hold fast to Scripture and its authority—I am sure we have that in common. As we continue to produce quality Bible study materials, we will gladly continue that discipline.
This is a beautiful, stunning study. I am enjoying the content so far, but the font… I’m shocked by how small and dainty the font is. I would suggest making the book bigger to accommodate a larger font for people who have bad eyes.
This devotional is something that everyone needs to read. It has completely shifted my view on beauty and what that should look like as a Christian. Paige does a phenomenal job of juxtaposing the worldly view of beauty and what beauty means in the context of a Christian. 11/10, highly recommend ❤️
I’m loving this devotional so far!
I love this so much already and I just started today!!
Beautiful devotion
Perfect Bible study for all women !
Must have!